It's not news.
A technology that can be exploited to transmit, transfer, share pornographic content and guarantee high revenues is a business in itself. But the real question is:
"Is Porn a relevant driver for the settling of a dominant design?"
Daniel Scocco, the author of Innovation Zen (one of my top 5 blogs) wonders whether HD-DVD will win over Blu-ray just because "Sony refused to give Blu-Ray licenses to porn movies".
I can see he recently read "Fast Second", an interesting and curiously written book about the relationship between innovation and mass market, and how, when and where a firm should enter the mass market with products based on innovative technologies.
Curiously, Fast Second omits the "P" factor, but it highlights the fact that open-standard adoption is one of the factors that make this or that design variant as the dominant one.
My thought is that Porn is just one of a more complex factor set.
Porn sits aside Music, Film, and Software. Porn is just one egg of a basket that consumers elicit as the driving force.
DRM (Digital Rigths Management) is a much stronger limitation than the "no-porn" strategy, and I bet that the technology with the weakest DRM system will definitely impose itself in the mass market.
(I wonder what happens if a VoIP company starts "renting" adult hi quality video platforms. Is that sufficient to settle as the dominant platform?)
Technorati Tags: cernio, porn, innovation, fast second,