Thursday, August 31, 2006

How to rank VoIP blogs, how to select what to read

VoIP has been a buzzword for a while, but now it just represents just a bunch of technologies related to instant communication media and systems.
The hype has gone, since Jeff Pulver moved his piercing eye to the next emerging disruptive technology, IPTV (or VON - Voice Over Net).

Now that the dust is settling I see some reference points amongst the VoIP related blogosphere: they can be ranked on the basis of personal opinion (Top 30 VoIP Blog by or by means of popularity figures (Top 30 VoIP Blogs... according to Technorati).

My idea is that some blogs are just echoing the press releases, few hotspots carry the most interesting and innovative news but they are interesting just for a very limited period, then they fade out. At last, there are blogs that mix VoIP and innovative technologies, that have to be considered as well, even if they don't share a bit with VoIP -apparently. Anyway, most of the blogs don't always maintain an acceptable quality level, there are lows and highs that make them... annoying, at best.

Moreover, I don't have the same amount of time everyday to catalog, filter and read everything that passes by in the stream of incoherent, unmanageable information. Sometimes I've been thinking of building an automated-yet-gross filter to collect just some topics, but it seemed to me impractical for catching new, hot news.
That's why I tend to collect Rss feeds, read titles, filter out what doesn't catch my eye, and leave them there for future reference. But it doesn't work very well.

Conversely, there's one site I find really interesting, and it is Business Week - Innovation.

The first lesson I acquired is: "make things usable, make them easy". Like clicking a link on a website.
(Like calling my phone number +39-070-2339-253 with just a click.)

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